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Old 05-26-2011, 03:09 PM   #48
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by blkrptnt819
I agree with this because a Gamestop employee told me this out their own mouth. Trading games shrink profit margins. If everyone bought new games this would disappear. But that's not gonna happen. That's why they starting putting the codes on the back of games.
This may or may not be true...the economics of this sub-economy aren't exactly that clear-cut. For example, there are situations where the ability to re-sell a product actually adds value from the consumer's standpoint, and therefore increases new sales - i.e. certain individuals may be more likely to purchase a new game if they know they can subsequently turn it around and re-sell it for some value if they get tired of it/don't like it/complete it, or whatever. Contrast that with a luxury entertainment item which has zero after-market value, and therefore prevents some from buying it in the first place (because they know they're stuck with it for good after buying it).

Of course, there's no question that after-market sales also cut into publisher's bottom line to some extent (although to what extent I'm not sure anyone really knows). So it's a question of which of the multiple economic pressures at play are really winning out in aggregate.

But yeah, paying to advance a week online is BS...
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