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Old 05-27-2011, 04:05 PM   #189
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2009
Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
It's impossible to argue with people who obviously don't understand how budgeting works. When you pay for a McDonalds burger, you are paying for everything included with the production of that burger whether you think you are or not. You are paying for the production, research & development, taste testing, and all of the components of the product OTHERWISE the company would be out of business. So yes, you ARE paying for the secret sauce development because that is part of the price they establish for their item.

So what you are telling me is currently they haven't paid a dime for anything regarding the online dynasty DLC features? Otherwise it came out of the budget for this years game which was created from last years sales revenue. No offense intended whatsoever, but it's really not that difficult to understand...
Yes they absolutely paid for the development of the web-enabled features, but there is no direct correlation between your NCAA 11 $60 and that getting done. That $60 became EA's money period, not NCAA money. By that token anyone who has EVER purchased ANY Electronic Arts title EVER is entitled to some special treatment for NCAA 12 because a penny of their money may be involved in its development. Its a great concept but it doesn't work that way.

Yes, I understand budgetting 100%. And yes, McDonald's needs to make money to stay in business, but you are not buying development time, you are buying a burger, plain and simple. McDonald's sets a price based on what they need to cover their costs and make a profit, but this isn't like the old "I pay your salary with my tax dollars" argument, you chose to buy a burger, you can't call up McDonalds and demand they change the way it tastes because you have some stake in their company having spent a few bucks there. Same with NCAA, you are entitled to nothing because you bought a previous game. That $60 bought you NCAA 11, there are no future guarantees.
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