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Old 05-27-2011, 05:00 PM   #209
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2009
Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
You do know they already charged for AFL uniforms right? How is that not "scary"? It creates a precedent that they can charge extra for some uniforms and that is fine.

They are making plenty of profit, trust me. So much so that they were able to blow over a billion dollars on licenses that have nothing to do with the actual game or more importantly the GAMEPLAY. They will not get into a non profit zone unless they totally screw up because these titles are cash cows every year with marginal improvements year to year.

If you really think these games, specifically, wouldn't be profitable without DLC then I have to chalk it up to EA because you ate it hook line and sinker.
Many, many games do require DLC to stay profitable, although I'm not convinced one way or another that the EA sports titles do (maybe they do maybe they don't, I don't have the proper info to say one way or another), as they are wildly popular games.

But it seems to me they are using a DLC price-tag to justify adding some features that the hardcore set are asking for without actually taking away from standard development. Clearly I have nothing to back this up, its just speculation and I'm not posting this as fact, but there is nothing that says they had to create AFL uniforms for Madden or these new web features for online dynasties, and its likely (especially with the previously mentioned ongoing costs with web content) that if they didn't have the idea to charge for them they just wouldn't have done them. These are features that really aren't selling any extra copies.
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