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Old 06-02-2011, 04:41 PM   #22
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Re: Dynamic Player Performance during games (from IGN)

Originally Posted by Only1LT
You're repeating the same thing I'm saying lol. And the part that I have bolded is how they are the same, which is a major component of how they each work.

I know it is more in depth, I'm just saying that this looks like the next evolutionary step of what NCAA started.

That they have all of those other areas in 12 is great, but at the end of the day, how the player performs on the field causes specific attributes to drop or go up, just like NCAA. There are just many more attributes to be affected.

It's not totally different. Just expanded upon.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. I just feel that this is way more than "the next evolutionary step". If we were going by evolutionary steps, this would be more like a jump from single cell organisms to primates, IMO. I understand what you're saying though. We both see the same thing. We're just seeing it a lil differently.
PSN - Splff3000
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