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Old 06-03-2011, 11:15 PM   #456
NDFan1029's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
this stuff doesnt bother me because i'm not paying any extra money since i don't use those features. But its like any other thing, add ons cost more money. if you buy a car and want the basic version it costs "x" but if you want the deluxe version with the satellite radio, gps, nicer sound system, heated seats it costs "x" + "y". If you buy a cell phone and get the basic plan it costs you one thing but once you add on internet, text messaging, pictures, games, etc. it costs you extra.

They aren't charging any more for the game. The game comes with everything you need. Its the extra stuff like simming from your PC (which is not something standard and therefore shouldn't necessarily come with the game) or controlling multiple online dynastys or whatever, those things are what costs extra.

When it comes to video games you see so many people on these boards act like they are entitled to everything and anything they want. That companies are required to include every uniform ever worn and design the game as we see fit. The truth is they make a product and you can choose whether to buy it or not, nobody is forcing you to. They do however try to meet the demands of the consumers to make them happier but that doesnt mean we are entitled to these things.
But cars have always been like that; they only started doing it in video games a few years ago. And I could understand doing it for some other games, but the changes in most sports game are not nearly as substantial from year to year.
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