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Old 06-11-2011, 04:04 PM   #87
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jpdavis82's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by statum71
Thats probably true. But if anybody on here is like me, its not just about adding new content.

The biggest problem with Madden commentary is how bad the timing of what Gus says in-game is. And the fact that he gets overly excited at the wrong times. Example: sometimes when he calls a touchdown, its 5 seconds after the guy has already scored. Its just very very robotic.

I could tell 3 seconds into the first video I saw that it was still there.
That's why they are getting a new sound tech system, that's the biggest issue with the commentary. They are still using the same sound tech system from the freakin' PS2 days. That's why Gus says "The Cowboys....7 The Eagles....Nothing" With a new tech system we should get something closer to what Fifa has, well Phil Frazier said that's the engine the future games will be based off of anyway.
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