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Old 06-16-2011, 06:49 PM   #14
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Re: Dallas Cowboys Unedited Entrance

Originally Posted by reverend_heat
Feel free to show where in my post I mentioned not buying the game. You call it fluff, I call it what every single dev team member has parroted in every single interview you see them in, presentation was given a huge boost this year, stop giving EA passes after screwing **** up year after year, you want changes, ya gotta voice what you want changed. You call it fluff, I call it acute lack of attention to detail, let's hope gameplay doesn't suffer the same fate.
Give me one sports game that has the type of attention to detail and I will show you kinks in that armor. EA said they gave presentation a big boost and they did but yet we have to have people call them lazy because Romo is not going in the right direction on a silly cutscene

I bet it would be done perfect and in a month you are pressing the skip button to get to kick off....yea real important there

I am waiting
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