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Old 06-21-2011, 01:44 AM   #15
(PS3) Madden 13
mirrored32's Arena
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I pre ordered madden 11. I got 20,000 coins. I never used them. why? i thought it might be able to be used for something useful. MUT as they call it now (horrible acronym) to me could be better made as a 'fantacy football' mini game that goes along with franchise mode IMO. MUT as it is has never been a draw for me.

Quoting JerseySauve4 "I can care less about legend teams unless they have a full team like a Cowboys team from the 90s or the 49ers from the 80s or something like that,"

I agree. Historical rosters to download. Or even historical teams. that would be a draw for me. AS for this MUT. . . .

to the backyard with it. . . i mean it is a MUT right?
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