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Old 06-21-2011, 02:57 PM   #123
Go Irish
Rules's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Demo Details Revealed Today, Demo Streaming LIVE Now

Originally Posted by ChaseB
I'm saying your trolling etiquette was off. If you really want to troll, you can't say too much time was spent on dreadlocks and mascots -- especially when the dreadlocks get ripped on this year.

Regardless art team + gameplay team not really related either. You're a bad troll, you need lessons.

I charge by the hour if you are interested.
I think you are too attached and no longer can be unbiased. I guess you must not be into football that much so therefore you are not understanding the glaring gameplay issues that still have NOT BEEN FIXED! I could care less how pretty the lighting is, the fluffy grass, just give me a game that plays solid football. According to you, I guess I am asking too much when I should be satisfied with the side show that is only a temporary distraction until you are 1/2 a season in on your franchise and realize the CPU still cannot run the ball and WR's are still not programmed to respond to I don't know a BALL?

Last edited by Rules; 06-21-2011 at 03:02 PM.
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