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Old 06-27-2011, 01:11 PM   #4
Fear The Spear
37's Arena
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Re: For All You Dynasty Users

Originally Posted by jbrew2411
I always strait with Uga but end up getting 3 or so dynasties going. I like to play one for a while then move to another. From NCAA 98 to NCAA 11 we didn't have a coaching carousel so moving around was dumb. I felt the need to start a few different dynasties to keep form burning out. I like to take once great programs and return them to glory. If the CC is done right then this year it will be all about my coach. I have had the same legacy going in Choops2k8 since I got the game when it released. It is fun to build your coach's career and I hope it turns the NCAA series into what Choops2k8 is.
Good advice..Yea i'll prolly play 2 dynasties...I'll jus havta keep interest in em since im also playing The Show and Madden releasing soon.....However since I'm not familiar with much of the *new* features, Im clueless about coach mode or whatever other modes this game this game features...I just take about a week to settle on a school to play with...I'm wondering if any other ppl have this issue as well
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