Thread: 3-3-5 or 4-2-5?
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:58 PM   #19
patsfan1993's Arena
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Re: 3-3-5 or 4-2-5?

Originally Posted by xMVPx3
Since youve used the 4-2-5 before I have a quick question, would it be better just to take a team who utilizes the 4-2-5, such as TCU's playbook or go in and customize my own playbook to give multiple looks to my defense

I plan on making a 4-2-5 custom playbook to give a few more looks. There are several plays in the book I don't like so I will use it as an opportunity to add some variables to it. I don't think you can too much depth to the your playcalling options
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