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Old 06-29-2011, 10:38 PM   #60
sparkdawg777's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Re: Staff Roundtable: NCAA Football 12 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Its ok. Not too much different to me. Players still have zero weight to them, or atleast the illusion of weight is not present. Slipping and sliding all over the place as usual.

The running animations are still jacked up also. Players still run with that slight hunchback. Check live football footage or fire up NCAA11 for the PS2 and you'll see what running is supposed to look like and feel like.

Still a first day buy for me as usual but come on guys. Please fix the running animations and get rid of that float feel thats been present in the current generation of your titles. Thanks.

Yeh you're right on that. Do they not see these things? And are they that hard to fix in a year? This along with some other bugs have been in the game all of this gen. It kind of makes me mad, it's not that big of a deal but it seems like if something isn't a "gamebreaker" then they aren't going to change it. It's one of three things, EA is using "screw you, you're gonna buy it anyway" approach, they are just too lazy, or they don't see it (ignorant of their own game and real life football). This isn't just about the animations either, its the gameplay, the presentations, and other things like the dreads. I'm sorry I just feel like if you're going to do something you do it 110%, not half-assed.

I sound like I hate the game but I don't, I still like the game but it is mainly because I love football. I am still having fun with this game but the devs really need to rethink these things.
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