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Old 07-02-2011, 01:18 PM   #7
guaps's Arena
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

Originally Posted by PowerPitcher
Only because FIFA is a more global market, here in the US most people only talk about soccer every 4 years, and thats to complain about it taking up precious time on SportsCenter. My point being, because FIFA is a global market and Madden is more USA only, EA really doesn't devote as much resources into Madden?????
EA, I think will pay a steep price for Dicking around their fans when EA's NFL rights expire.
As a European, I think the main problem is that Tiburon doesn't deliver a worthy game anymore. The market for football is actually pretty big in Europe, but of all my friends who are interested in football, no one plays Madden.

Football is shown on television and there are plenty of competitive tackle and flag football leagues all over Europe. Even fantasy football is common here. I, for example, have been in a fantasy football league with the same guys for the last 8-9 years, and we used to play Madden all the time on last gen. Current gen has just been a big failure for Madden in Europe, as they didn't have the same dependable buyers in the European market as they have in the US market. Madden was just starting to catch on here in Europe when Tiburon dropped it all on the floor by not delivering.

The market is definitely there, but you cannot expect people will buy Madden until it matches the other sports games (mainly FIFA) in terms of quality gameplay. 500 new camera angles in Madden 12 isn't gonna make anyone I know buy the game.
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