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Old 07-04-2011, 12:00 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Lets make this idea a reality Russell_SCEA..

This idea randomly crossed my mind out of nowhere but what i really wish to be added in MLB 12 Russell is realistic player characters and emotions, its kind of frustrating seeing Mo Rivera fist pump after a save or jeter BARK at umpires during close calls... its just not life like. I was thinking of a system similar to the new feature in this upcoming madden where players have "roles" or the system in the FIFA series where players perform, react and act similar to their real life counter part. It doesnt have to be too detailed either ( casual, laid-back, aggressive, leader, vet, rookie, hyper, etc. could be some general styles you could implement for players). I think its a great idea and would take MLB the Show above and beyond

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