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Old 07-12-2011, 10:04 AM   #6
waytofailself's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Carolina
Re: Biggest Legacy Accomplishments

Biggest accomplishment while playing is definitely getting to the Elite 8 as Drexel. Especially as a 6 seed where I had to tear through the 2 and 3 seeds who were both vastly superior to me. Sadly, I lost to the team that knocked off the #1 seed (who I had beaten earlier in the season).

My biggest accomplishment in the game total? Probably it was while simming through a dynasty just to learn recruiting. I managed to win the National Title at Wichita State my first year there. Total fluke win, but I'll take winning it with someone else's players (I made it to the Final Four 3 years later).
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