07-13-2011, 03:02 PM
do you know this game is let's make a baseball team online. SEGA japan made it. SEGA change name and SEGA change web game. then SEGA said "We make new game for american." but the game is old game. but this is not first case. SEGA sell old game to other nation, too. SEGA sell same game to south korea. SEGA change game name and interface. the game name is pro baseball manager. SEGA sell football manager live to south korea. SEGA change game name. Football manager onilne. but SEGA closed down football manager live, this year. SEGA don't mind it if SEGA sell the game. if SEGA say "we make new game for your nation's payers", you don't believe it. because some games of SEGA's new games are very old game. and SEGA try more expensive pricing than orignal game. it's SEGA's game policy.