07-13-2011, 07:24 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 51
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 37,979
I am surprised that this doesn't mention the fact that users can't control weather or game start times at all for PLAY NOW online matches. This might not be so bad if every online game wasn't a noon game that is sunny. why cant we have weather and different start times at least be randomized if they are not going to allow us to set it up for ourselves?
I also wish that who is the home team would be randomized as well, I don't like always being the away team when someone challenges me. Please make this random!
Another idea I'd like to see is unranked records. Yes I understand that if you want wins or losses you can play ranked games. But why not still track your record in unranked games but just not have it do anything for the leader board (which I could care less about)?
Oh and I want user stats back please! Make it so you can look folks up online on EAs site and see them there, like you could in the PS2 days. That way I can look up random guys in the lobby on my laptop without challenging them.
And lastly, please get an option for challenging friends directly to either ranked or unranked online games. We should not have to join a lobby room to play a buddy.
Last edited by ODogg; 07-13-2011 at 07:28 PM.