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Old 07-17-2011, 07:26 PM   #8
rckabillyRaider's Arena
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Re: Casual soccer fan will i like FIFA 11 or 12 few questions

Originally Posted by JMUfootball
So you don't follow the sport, but watching it is brutal? Ok buddy.

If you're going to let your experience with MLS in FIFA video games shape your perception of MLS in real life, there's no reasoning with you.

MLS players have always been under-rated in FIFA video games because of the same lack of knowledge you are displaying, "It's MLS, it must be terrible."
Well said. Unfortunately that's the typical perception of our league. We'll get over it in a few years. I'm just happy I have a pro team literally down the street from me.

It's actually good to see EA boosted ratings on some deserving mls clubs and players with the most recent squad update.
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