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Old 07-20-2011, 09:38 AM   #1
dixiebum18's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2010
Virginia Tech Helmets

Just read a great article on ESPN Page 2 about helmet research being done at Va Tech. In the second to last paragraph, it states the entire team will be wearing the REVO or REVO Speed helmets this year.

"LAST SEASON, THE VIRGINIA TECH HOKIES wore the Riddell VSR4 -- the very helmet Stefan Duma's research found unsafe. For the 2011 season, Virginia Tech will wear the top-rated Riddell Revo or Speed models, with each player choosing whichever better fits the quirks of his head shape. Considering the Hokies have four helmet color combinations and dress 72 for games, that's a truckload of new helmets. "My equipment manager has wanted to get rid of the VSR4 for years," says Goforth, the Virginia Tech trainer. "He has long believed the new designs are safer. Finally, he has research to back him up.""
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