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Old 07-21-2011, 10:12 AM   #26
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Money99's Arena
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Re: NHL 12 Video - Be a Pro Revamped

Originally Posted by JezFranco
As a european player, I must say that an addition for us would be the option to not start in the CHL but in one of the many european leagues that's in the game already.

Because to be honest, I'm a BaP lover, I played sooo much BaP on 09 & 10, but on NHL11 I never even tried BaP.
I've gotten a bit bored with it, and the addition to start in the CHL meant nothing to me.

But if I could start a carrier in Djurgården... I'd be all over it again.
That's another great point.
What about players that aren't good enough to make an NHL, or even AHL, roster out of junior?
We should have the option of signing in Europe to improve and hopefully get a shot in the NHL.
Or for European players, to play in their leagues and eventually get drafted and make their way to North America.

The NHL is so unique with it's global leagues and appeal. EA needs to fully incorporate that into their games as well.
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