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Old 07-28-2011, 03:07 PM   #8
All Star
MizzouRah's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Troy, MO
Re: NHL 12 For $59.99, Receive $20 Amazon Credit

Originally Posted by boilermakernet08
In light of the issues with NCAA Football 12, anyone that pre-orders the game should have no right to complain about any bugs in NHL 12. Pre-ordering a game goes against all logic. If I marketed a product and told you it may or may not work as intended upon release, would you pay me before it was actually released?
We can complain anytime we want. Might go against your logic, but if I want to preorder on the basis of the last few years of enjoyment I've gotten out of NHL, then so be it. If it's released like NCAA 12 was, ridden with bugs, I'll just return it towards something else. Cost me like $6.75 to basically rent NCAA 12 for a week.

I only preorder games that I've had great results with on prior versions.
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