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Old 08-03-2011, 09:29 AM   #285
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Phobia
I must say I read some of the complaints on deep balls being completed to easy.

Now I use Matts Heisman sliders which are pretty difficult. Pass accuracy is really low so you need a high level QB to make longer throws. I have noticed ZERO issue on those sliders with deep ball %. In fact I have struggled extremely bad in this area. Going 13% in a test game of just going deep on different deep routes.

Then I thought maybe it was the sliders so I went to practice mode and went to default AA. I started running multiple different deep routes against a man cover two defense. One in 20+ passes would end up with the receiver coming down with it. But it was far far from happening to often.

I just completely don't see the deep issue you are talking about SECElite. I tried and tried last night for about 2 hours in practice mode to recreate it.

If I run 4 verts I almost always have someone open, usually the slot WR on the strong side of the field. That is on AA with no sliders though.

When I cranked it up to Heisman, this was not an issue either (no sliders).

I'm offline dynasty only, so for me, I just made a house rule to not run 4 verts. Fair enough. But I can see where online this would be a pain in the A.
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