08-03-2011, 11:20 AM
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details
Quote: |
Originally Posted by JaySmooov |
I know this MAY not be the place to post it but since it's a hot topic, I'll share my experience.
Has anyone encountered a problem/bug/glitch where this happens:
Hot route a receiver to another route (Say, a curl route or a slant)
Smart route it to the depth of the first down line.
Hike the ball; WR gets pressed on the line.
WR does NOT run correct route, instead runs a go route.
Now, this has happened many times, especially on third-and-short situations. Most times I hot route a WR to the 1st down line, but the WR would get bumped. Anticipating a quick curl, I throw the ball hard. Instead, the WR runs a GO, so basically I throw it right to the CB (Since accuracy STILL doesn't affect ball placement/trajectory, but that's neither here nor there). It's frustrating somewhat, and I hope more have had this problem so it could get fixed.
Does this happen on away games mostly? This could be because the receiver didn't hear the hot route.