NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details
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08-03-2011, 01:30 PM
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details
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Have you ever taken the time to step back and realize the team over at Tiburon may have been a little bit busy working on the fixes to the tendency and freeze issues? These were major problems with the game that needed immediate attention--especially the freezing issue.
Now that they have this ironed out they can attack the gameplay quirks.
I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic. A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS
). If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.
Contrary to popular belief, there are some issues with the game that annoy the living daylights out of me. Even so I realize that there is no point in me continuously harping on these negatives. It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.
No one is saying you can't voice your opinion (I love the passion), it's just that we've heard you guys loud and clear for the past 3 weeks. And trust me, the team over at EA has heard you loud and clear as well. At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.
Look guys its exactly as Bumble says it is... if they release a tuner now to fix issues with the game as it is now... it could be useless if they are changing things in the patch.
So the best bet for them would be to build the tuner in-conjunction with the patch.
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