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Old 08-08-2011, 09:46 AM   #493
patsfan1993's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Hurricane WV
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Equinox831
Turn your caps lock off..

They don't allow that because people would fill up the recruiting pool with players that were all 99's and just make it easy.
So? If I am not playing in the dynasty why should I care how somebody else wants to play the game? It should be up to the commish to create recruits. If you get an OD that isn't to your liking leave and find another one.

I would like to create a couple of recruits to fight over. What I would really like to do is create a couple of five star athletes with the ability to play several positions not just one or two.
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