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Old 08-09-2011, 03:09 PM   #258
SGMRock's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Northern VA from Michigan
Originally Posted by crques
This is encouraging to read. I can't get into the next generation NCAA games, but I enjoy Madden 10 & 11. I was curious to know if 12 would continue taking steps in the right direction or not. The Madden players just have a better, more weighted feel to them. Have you seen dirty uniforms?
So far I have only played 2 games first 1 on all pro which I used to normally win at pretty easy I got picked off 4x and lost 28 - 3 playing as GB. One of my picks was Urlacher leaping up and fully extending his arm up and one hand catching a pass over the middle. I don't think I have seen too many WR make a catch like that. The other pics were mostly my fault, I was forcing things a bit to much I think.

One complaint I have though is the whole preplay system. Why do they keep changing this, it seems different now than 11 was and I keep having to use the Madden 10 setup otherwise I get delay of game trying to navagate all the menus to say hold a HB in to pass block. :P At least they let us set it back to older version or I would be lost.

Played my second game on Pro level and it seemed to play pretty nice on default settings though I think I ran the ball a bit too easy. Passing at least seemed about just right on the Pro level setting. Grant had like 7 or 8 yds a carry though so I think when I get the game I will start at pro and tweak the run game a bit making it harder for me and leave the passing game at the current level. I like to play on Slow though so 3rd game I'm going to try Pro level but with slow speed.

Overall it seems like a nice demo so far. I want to test more to see if this game suffers from the physic DBs though like NCAA. The ball trajectory is still to low or the bullet pass button is to sensitive, one of the two.
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