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Old 08-09-2011, 06:46 PM   #386
Just some guy
mrprice33's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360)

If this thread is any indication, this place is going to be hilarious come release time.

W/R/T the demo, I was very pleased with the way the game looks and feels, with a couple of exceptions.

The game definitely has aliasing problems (jagged edges) which I hope is due to this being an older build. Even if they stay in the game, they only really show up while the players are still, so it's not that big of an issue. Along with this are the animation rendering (especially at the LOS) being very choppy. This was also a problem in the NCAA demo, but it was fixed in retail, so I'd imagine it would also be fixed here come release.

In terms of gameplay, there are 2 big issues, both involving defensive backs, and both being explained and demonstrated earlier in the thread. Passive dbs in zone when being run at, and passive dbs in coverage (which is also a problem in NCAA retail).

Other than that the game is really good at the moment, with the player interaction being noticeably better and real football being replicated much more closely than past iterations. The additions to gameflow are fantastic, as you can dictate run or pass on offense and aggressive/conservative on defense, and the plays change as you cycle back and forth.
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