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Old 08-09-2011, 07:37 PM   #434
All Star
jpdavis82's Arena
OVR: 21
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Madden NFL 12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360)

Originally Posted by stephenk24
Really enjoying the demo too, Matthews is such a beast in it it's unbelieveable.

The presentation is really good till you reach the half, then the halftime show lets it down because it's so bland and adds nothing to it....

The gameplay is improved but still has little niggles, the throwing animation is improved but the ball after the delivery becomes a bullet sometimes and seems unrealistic. Also, the running game in my opinion is awful, really hard to get anything going at all as Grant... NCAA seems to be much better. Throwing is a bit inconsistant too, Nelson drops everything while Jennings catches the most stupid throws. Now I know Nelson is inconsistant at times but come on!

Game speed is also a bit of an issue, normal is so fast it's comical while slow seems just a little too slow to be realistic. Some aspects like the running game seem ok but a lot of the passing game seems sluggish to me.

Overall though there are more upsides which I can't be asked to mention so while there are issues I am more impressed with this demo than I have been previous titles. Not a first day purchase this year because I haven't played NCAA enough yet but I will definatley be getting it at some point. Hopefully by then all the inevitable teething troubles will have been fixed. Fingers crossed.
When it comes to the running game, watch your blockers. I'm serious it will really help. I average 6-8ypc and have broke several runs over 25 yards.
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