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Old 08-10-2011, 11:25 AM   #3
OVR: 8
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Dothan, AL
Re: Suction Blocking in Madden 12 Demo

Originally Posted by Giants4Natic
I have not seen suction in NCAA or Madden Demo.

A cut block is not really suction blocking and I can tell you that if you play on anything higher then Pro, using the speed burst on defense or offense is going to provide a boost of awareness to the defender or blocker to at least try and engage you.

I think EA did a great job of removing suction from both games.
Any blocker that alters the intended or controlled pathway of another player and causes a canned animation interaction with said blocker is a suction block. I hear what you are saying but until you see the video you really can't form an accurate assessment. I can assure you what happened is indeed a suction block and a canned animation results which then sends my guy morphing through the QB. My phone apparently needs wifi to upload the 30+MB file so I'll have to wait until this afternoon to link it for everyone's review.
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