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Old 08-10-2011, 02:33 PM   #802
Yeah...THAT Guy
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Re: Madden NFL 12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I swear running the ball just isnt rewarding in Madden....theres no rhyme or reason to it...all you can do is approach a hole and hope the DLs dont all the sudden fly off of their blocks and hit you...

Running the ball is probably my favorite thing to do in regards to video game football...finding that hole, knowing your oline is going to make a effort to hit their assignment, making plays...I love it.

This is more like a game of chance though...they need to take a hard look at the trenches man...its been meh for a while now...
Running the ball in the demo has been pretty tough getting through the holes without getting hit, but I've still averaged about 5-7 yards per carry with both teams, even using James Starks for the Packers a lot.

It was much easier to get through the hole in M11 though. Much easier.
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