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Old 08-10-2011, 09:25 PM   #1
OVR: 16
Join Date: Dec 2009
Preplay Controls

For a Tiburon team that caters to accessibility, I have no idea why they keep making the preplay control scheme harder to do each and every year. You have to do 4 things just to shade 1 WR. So, if you want to shade 1 WR, that's pretty much all you can do by the time the center snaps the ball. I just don't understand their logic of not using the NCAA control scheme. It's easier and much better to do. Almost everyone I know tries to do everything to avoid using the d-pad in any game, so to have such a big thing evolve around it, is baffling. So, here is a poll, of which one you like best, and maybe we can persuade them to use NCAA's while integrating a few new things like shading a WR. Not to mention to audible now is even tougher to do than last year, because you have to use the d-pad to scroll through it.

Last edited by at23steelers; 08-10-2011 at 09:28 PM.
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