08-11-2011, 06:35 AM
My biggest gripe is that I find the passing game too random. On NCAA (Heisman default), if my receiver beats the corner and I throw an accurate pass, it's complete 99/100 (the 1 being the odd bit of unrealistic warping etc), and if he's covered it's complete about 1/100 times.
In madden, it just feels like the coverage has no relation to whether I'll complete the pass. There seems an equal chance I'll complete the pass if he's covered or not. If he's covered, sometimes the corner just ignores the receiver, and if he's not covered the corner often warps to make a play. Whether it's placebo or not (and I admit it's possible), I don't find it fun.
That said, I'll probably still buy madden regardless, DPP and offline franchise improvements should be the real deal.