Don't know how you came to that conclusion. I bet you wouldn't notice half the problems with the game if people didn't post the negatives like a chain message. Madden animations are old and way over-used. And those psychic DB's everyone is talking about are non-exstitant if you pass it CORRECTLY!!! Come on people, use L2, use lead passing, use skill. All it takes is a little bit of practice. Look at NBA 2k11. Do you hear anyone saying,"doing a crossover is too hard or I can't do what moves I want too." My gosh, if they can learn how to do twenty plus dribble moves, why can't you learn how to pass the ball. Biggest problem with NCAA 12 is the amount of Haters that bought it. NCAA 12 is way better than the Madden 12 demo.
The End
EDIT: May seem off topic, but this was needed in order to prove a point.