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Old 08-11-2011, 01:25 PM   #103
RGiles36's Arena
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Re: Staff Roundtable: Madden NFL 12 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by bucky60
I want to see a realistic number of plays, both offensive and defensive, providing realistic stats, both totals and per play/attempt.
I guess my question would be is why do you find this so difficult to achieve? For most, it's as simple as running a few games, adjusting the quarter length and accelerated clock options until you get to roughly 120 plays or so. It's not that hard Buck.

The demo is just that. I can't speak for anyone else. But for myself, I'm not even keeping up with stats. I'm taking risks that I wouldn't do in a game I cared about. I'm going deep. I'm going for it on 4th down. I'm doing everything I can to get a feel for the game in a relatively short period. I imagine others are doing the same.

When I get the retail, I imagine that I'll again be getting realistic stats with about 13-15 mins and 15 secs left on the play clock via the accelerated clock. It's not that hard.
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