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Old 08-18-2011, 02:25 PM   #8
FBeaule04's Arena
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Re: EA Give Us a PC Version !?

I went to the console for the reason that EA was making no effort whatsoever for the console part and we we're still having a sub-par game compare to console.

In NHL 08 if I remember correctly, the Anaheim Ducks we're playing with their new black-orange jersey. In the retail PC game, J.S. Giguere was still wearing a purple mask with purple pads.

Just that exemple, and how simple it is to at least make a mask and pads the same color than the new uni's proved me that EA didn't care a sh*t about the PC version.

Also, if you have to update the PC every 2 years to take advantage of a game while you don't have to care about on the console, the choice was easy.
"Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept." - Doug Larson
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