08-19-2011, 02:10 PM
OVR: 22
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: I'm with Leather, at Plato's Retreat
Re: Madden NFL 12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)
Just popped in Madden 10, for comparison's sake, the last Madden game I played, which I liked very much.
Two things that immediately struck me:
--The running animations in Madden 10 look very clunky (on very slow speed) compared to 12's demo, which has real nice fluid running animations. This also gives the players in Madden 10 a more "weighted'' feel to them than the 12 demo, but I'll take the more fluid animations over weight.
--Very slow on Madden 10 seems much slower than very slow on 12's demo. But I think the very slow speed on 12's demo is ideal, though that's a personal preference.
It's on me. I shook his hand too hard. It was a hard ... kind of a slap-shake.
"What? You can't challenge a scoring play?''