08-20-2011, 08:07 PM
Re: A Way EA Can Put More Pass Interference Calls In The Game
Yeah that's one animation that needs to be in the game. Sometimes a defender gets to the offensive guy early. That's actually the most common trigger to getting a PI called on the defender at any level.
EA also needs to add an animation where the defender arm bars a guy and gets a PI called. This is seen mostly when a defender is having a hard time keeping up with the reciever on a crossing/fly route. Hey, I'm a steeler fan and Ike Taylor is the master at this. He should be called more often for the PI penalty but he disguises it well.
Another amimation that needs to be added is something that triggers defensive holding/illegal contact. You see this quite often when a defensive player gets out of position. Like a tight end completely getting a linebacker off balance or when a reciever gets a CB turned around and he's about to get beat deep. What does the defensive player do? He grabs hold of the offensive player. He grabs for anything he can. That's better than giving up the big play. Take the 5 yards.
So, it's not all about the defensive PI. Where's the offensive PI? Where is the animation that triggers the offensive player to push off the CB during a fade route or fly route? This usually happens where the ball hangs in the air for a while. This happens in football EA! Often times the offensive player will get away with it hense the reason that sly recievers will go for it at times.
In conclusion these animations need to be added in the game to trigger the following penalties:
Offensive pass interference/Defensive pass interference
Defensive Holding
Illegal contact
Contact with the reciever before the ball arrives (PI or Illegal contact)
Defensive arm bar on fly routes and crossing patterns (same)
Holding a player when the defender knows he's been beaten (def hold.)
Contact with the offensive player beyond 5 yards (illegal cont.)
Offensive players pushing off the defender just before the ball arrives (PI)
To my knowledge known of these animations are in the game.
Just to add off topic. It's no longer called clipping. It's illegal block in the back. Just tells you right there how much effort EA puts into the penalty side of the game that trigger these canned animations. That and the challenge system hasn't been touched since EA installed it into the game. So just take it out EA, it doesn't work properly.