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Old 08-21-2011, 11:59 AM   #813
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by tonybologna
I have to chime in here again. I've been a console gamer for years. I've been an NCAA Football series gamer for a long time dating back to PS1. While 2012 isn't the worst game of the series I just am not having any fun playing it. There's way too many issues with the game right now.

I can't believe they released this game with so many problems. Where are the employees testing this game? I mean it seems to me this game was at best minimally tested. Why test when you can leave this up to the consumers? Is that what EA Sports has as a policy?

Here we are waiting for a patch. We don't even know what of the problems can be fixed. We are well almost 2 months since release of this game & it's not an enjoyable game to me. It's always wait for the patch before going overboard. I don't wanna hear that anymore.

We should be having a fun & enjoyable experience but it's not happening. Instead, we are left hanging without any answers. I'm sorry but I don't have any respect for the EA Sports team anymore. They ran into hiding on these very forums once the game was released. Vacation was the excuse?

Poor customer relations is all I can say about how this situation was handled. It's time we step up & put a stop to this. Stop buying these games & let them know we're tired of it. Show us this game can be tested thoroughly & effort is being put into getting out a fully working product. It's obvious this hasn't happened!

I agree 100% . I am not even playing the game. I paid $60 for this? You are good EA !
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