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Old 08-22-2011, 10:10 PM   #870
Kaiser Wilhelm
Kaiser Wilhelm's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Blog Entries: 1
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

I'm just praying that EA fixed all the fatal bugs and doesn't add any new fatal bugs. There is no reason for fatal bugs in any release, but especially a console game with no modability and quick fixes.

(Fatal bug meaning crashes/freezes, and not anything to do with percieved gameplay).

Also, I really hope this does not make this game feel like NCAA 11. I like the gameplay and really, the big elephant in the room left is the lack of weight, momentum and physics with which the players move.
Thanks to LBzrules: So these threads won't be forever lost.
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Outs and Curls (Bracketing Receivers)
If anybody is interested in a "spiritual successor to the socom franchise, check out this thread.
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