08-22-2011, 11:37 PM
OVR: 6
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Fort Worth
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details
I think part of the problem with the corporate world today is everyone is way to positive in meetings and nobody wants to offend each other. They might disagree with something that is said but they dont want to look like the jerk at the table so they keep thier mouths shut.
I saw way to much of that in the making of show.....was it all for TV.....maybe, but I have been in meetings like that and I just cant keep my mouth shut. I dont care, if I hear a crappy idea I just say, "Yeah but I dont think it will work because of this." or "Well have you thought about what will happen if this....." and its funny as hell to watch people freeze and figure out how to recover.
This team needs to get a tongue lashing and that is all there is to it. It wont happen thought because the marketing did an excellent job of making sure we saw all the positive additions and kept the negatives in the dark. I think a huge indication this game might have alot of problems started at E3 when it was shown behind closed doors and was not out on the showroom floor for all to see.....shoulda known after that. Sales are up this year and the team will stay intact......goofy smiles and all.
I am enjoying the game....but I am still in a "practice" dynasty waiting for the patch to save the day. My friends want to do an online dynasty but with all the problems reported we ae holding off, and the idea is loosing steam with Madden around the corner. I also hope they patch as much as possible so really I dont mind the wait it that means a meaningful patch is in the works.