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Old 08-23-2011, 12:27 PM   #899
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by fistofrage
It has nothing to do with the money, its the principal and the time and frustration spent trying to correct flaws with sliders that may or may not even work properly.

$60 is really nothing to me in the grand scheme of things. Its a few drinks and a nice steak dinner or a round of golf. If I had the "perfect" college football game, I wouldn't mind paying $200+ for it if it gave me hundreds of hours of enertainment over the course of the year.

But back to the principal....Why should anyone have to pay to be a frustrated beta tester. At the very least, EA should make sure that hi-lighted features work as advertised. Its pretty amazing to me that EA sports doesn't tap this sites resources for beta testers and find these errors before the game is released.

In a sense they are trying that with the Season Pass thing, but you have to pay to be the tester. And even then it's only a lead time of a few days, but it's the same idea. Part of their reasoning was that they will be able to identify issues earlier with this program.
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