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Old 08-27-2011, 01:26 AM   #6
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: EA Sports’ Season Ticket Hears Crickets on Debut Day

I ended up buying a subscription but not because I couldn't wait to get the game. I purchased the subscription because I would rather pay the $20-something subscription and figure out that the game is not ready or that nothing is improved instead of paying the $60 at release to find out that it is not ready and having it sit on my shelf for nearly 2 months. Madden has not dissapointed me thus far so I will probably buy it come Tuesday, but if it were as buggy as NCAA 12 then I would be waiting a couple of months for the patches and then buying it used so that EA would not get my money. On the flip side if EA produces a good game that is worth paying $60 to me then I will reward EA with my money. I figure that I will get my money worth between Madden, NHL, Tiger Woods, and next years NCAA, since buying each of those used would save me approximately $10 each potentially saving me $40, so I would net gain a savings of approximately $20 and have less frustrations. If all the games are worth 1st day purchases and not used purchases than I am fine paying EA the extra money.

Last edited by franko3219; 08-27-2011 at 01:30 AM.
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