08-28-2011, 03:40 PM
OVR: 12
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,508
Re: Any veterans/people with military experience out there?
When I was a lower enlisted soldier ( E1-E4 ) , I would have had no problem going to the IG. However, when I became and NCO all of that changed. You can have multiple issues as an E1-E4 and it only remains in the company file..it doesnt follow you. The last thing I wanted to do as a career NCO was go to IG, alienate my chain of command, and end up getting a bad NCOER.
As those that are in service and are a NCO can tell you, just one bad NCOER can halt your career path. I planned on making the military my career, so I did everything in my power to do the right thing.
I encouraged my soliders to go to IG when they thought it necessary, but it really never accomplished anything. Solider would go to IG and the first thing that would happen is they would send a representitive to the unit within a few days to talk to the chain of command about it. Even watched a soldier get a field grade article 15 for drinking while on rotation, yet there was no proof he was drinking. Lost 3 years of rank and pay for nothing. IG was involved, but at the end of the day, its still up to your local chain of command. Matter of fact, in almost 7 years of service, I never saw IG accomplish one thing. I heard about a lot of people going, but never heard about any resolutions.