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Old 09-01-2011, 12:38 AM   #173
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2009
Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 - Waiting on Approval From Microsoft and Sony

Originally Posted by marcd25
EA seriously needs to move up on the July release dates. It's way to soon. When you are on a tight schedule, the product turns to crap. Also it is way to early to pump up college football. release it August 12th and Madden In sept. That way all the bugs are minimal, and all the roster movements are updated for Madden. I never understood the July release date. It's right smack in the middle of baseball season. Not that it really matters to me, but you would hit more of your demographic later in the summer when people start shifting their minds towards the pig skin.

I fail to understand your logic. How does that give them any more time to make the product better? If you release NCAA 2012 in July, and NCAA 2013 in July... that's a 12 month window to work with. If you release NCAA 2012 in August and NCAA 2013 in August... that's a 12 month window to work with. Changing the release date does nothing except give you an extra month for ONE release of the franchise. What would it fix the following year?

Now, as to your point that the release date should be closer to the start of the season, that I agree with. But as far as it making it easier to fix bugs, that literally makes ZERO sense.
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