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Old 09-07-2011, 09:10 PM   #4
TMJOHNS18's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: May 2011
Re: House Rules for Offline Franchise

Play with cap off and limit yourself to the cap and let CPU spend more on FA. They don't load up on players but do keep better backups.

Change all but 5 or so UDFA on CPU teams to P and and if you get to a point where you can't swap positions then pick up some of their UDFA and swap a future 7 rnd pick.

Keep track of your cap penalties and you can also sign some players for the CPU and trade them and not suffer like you would in a cap'd franchise.

Limit your big FA pickups. Eagles went to town this year, but most teams don't sign too many big name games every year. Go after a few, if you get out bid then don't go after another.

Limit trades during the season and also used the uncapped to help the CPU trade if you see two CPU teams with players on the trade blocks that meat each other needs. If the players don't have roles, you could always move them to another position, pick them up and swap them on teams and move them back to the right positions.
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