09-11-2011, 01:26 PM
Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism
My theory is the sliders should be at least 50, player/CPU. With the exception being ints, I put player ints at 25. CPU 26. All the other sliders for CPU are 51. Player are default 50. Gamespeed normal with 13 mins and acc clock on 20/which is defaul ts for acc clock. Now after about 10 games with Redskins, everything seems very good, as far wins and losses. I'm 5-5, most of the testing was against Giants, Cowboys, and Cards, basically 1st 3 gms on Skins schedule. Now if just giving the CPU a 51 on all other sliders makes a differ, that's the ?............. I belive it does, also I think if you attempt To improve a certain aspect of the player or CPU side(w/ the lone exception being ints), (now the Cowboys picked me off multipe times when I made bad reads, so ints are still occurring even at 25/26) So you only need to move the Slider +1 or -1 in those areas and play the same team again, and see if it made a differ. Now I started by just giving the CPU a +1 advantage and it seems tuff enough for my team already. So this will be my base. 50/51, Normal, All Pro. U can look around on here and get a good common ground for penalties, autosubs, injury, etc. I actually moved injury down to 45 and they still occur. Just not as many major multiple week kinds. So enjoy these as a base and try to adjust 1 area +1 or -1 at a time. 50 should be the min. W/ ints being the only exception(25/26).