09-11-2011, 02:57 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 37,979
Is NFL Ticket and/or DTV down?
Is the NFL Sunday Ticket for DirecTV and/or DirecTV itself not working right now? I don't have DirecTV here but I do have the NFL Sunday Ticket to-go plan so I can watch on the computer and PS3 and it isn't working on either the PC nor my PS3. On the PC I just get "STREAM NOT AVAILABLE" on each game and on the PS3 it just times out. It was working earlier on the PS3, albeit the video was starting/stopping which was annoying, but at least it was working.
So about 5 minutes ago I got a text from a friend in Virginia asking me if something was up with NFL Sunday Ticket as she's at a bar and they can't get a signal.
Could you guys let me know if you too are having problems or not?