09-13-2011, 02:23 PM
OVR: 13
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Providence, RI
Re: Best Madden yr ever made, you agree or not
I cant beleive Im going to say, but I think last years was better.
Only because this years game has:
-Bugged franchise mode weather. WAY to much rain... and there is NEVER SNOW
-Bugged commentary.
-The fact that fake UDFA's take over the league in franchise mode. At the expense of real and/or drafted players with higher OVR ratings being cut.
These 3 things RUIN franchise mode. At least last year there were no fake UDFA's, there was snow, and the announcers said more than just guys numbers over and over.
Ugg, what a shame, lets hope they can patch this mess of a franchise mode in M12.