Entire re-rated roster file for Madden 2012 based off data and ranking system used by "Scouts Inc." and Football Prospectus 2011.
Every player was graded according to the numerical grade assigned, and their scouting report was utilized to define specific strengths/weaknesses. After each player in the league was modified, further insight from Football Prospectus 2011 was applied to reward ability that may not have been reflected in the Scouts Inc analysis.
*Disclaimer* This doesn't claim to solve any UDFA, draft logic, or NCAA imported or generated issues and all player roles will be lost for season 1.
Depth charts and rosters are about 95% accurate as of 9/15/2011.
The named draft classes went through the same process (at least the 2012 one did)
I did the roster for my personal use, I'm sharing with the community for anyone that may be interested. There won't be anymore roster updates posted.
Link to Scouts Inc Rating system