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Old 09-16-2011, 08:34 PM   #186
fatleg3's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #9- Defense

Originally Posted by NastyWordz
That is true but it is much more engaging to play D on ball where your main focus is to deny penetration. The added boost just balances everything out, the A.I reacts much faster, when playing online it is immediately obvious if your playing an a player who only plays offball.
Yea i had a problem with it until the dev came in and explained how it balance everything out

Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Let's be honest here. Off ball "cheesers" do not play off ball defense the way one really would. They take advantage of the AI off ball offensive player's lack of aggressiveness and the movement freedom to play off in an unrealistic manner to double the ball and take away passing lanes in an unrealistic manner. As coolcras7 alluded to: some pick the defender of the worse offensive player and turn him into a free "extra" defender. Others play off ball as a crutch because they feel it's too hard to play on ball. The latter is understandable and that is the crowd that is being "rewarded" for playing the harder roll. There isn't much you can do about the ones that cheese except tighten up the loose ends in game play (movement, passing lanes, offensive intelligence, etc...). But at least you can make it more rewarding for the other folks.
I get where you coming from but and i agree that some use it to cheese. But when i play off ball its not to cheese. I play legit offball d. I responded to EarvGotti because he was making it seem like everyone who plays offball dont want to play d which is not the case. I play offball with d12 because he is my favorite player. To me it is so fun for me to come across the paint on help d, and send someones ball back to them.
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